Dr. Nicole Beveridge currently resides in Beacon, New York which is approximately one (1) hour away from New York City. She grew up in Montego Bay, Jamaica and later migrated to the United States. She has been teaching a variety of content areas, in Education, Hospitality and Tourism Management, and Language/Literacy courses.
She began her career as a hospitality professional and educator in 1995. She held several supervisory and managerial positions within the Sandals and Sunset resort chain in Montego Bay, Jamaica and the Omni and Hilton brand of hotels in the United States.
She holds a doctoral degree in Instructional and Organizational Leadership with a minor in curriculum development and planning. She has been teaching undergraduate and graduate level courses in hospitality and tourism management, English, and the methodology of teaching English as a second language. She has also taught several courses in Multicultural Education.
She has been teaching at the college/university level for the past sixteen years. Dr. Beveridge currently lectures at St. John’s University and the City University of New York. She teaches fully online, blended/hybrid formats, combining web-based experiential and face- to- face modalities to achieve learning objectives. Her main research contributions are professional development, language acquisition, critical pedagogy, teacher inquiry and reflection, curriculum planning, assessment practices, and learning communities.